Tailored Talks
03/10/2022 2024-06-25 16:52Tailored Talks
Tailored Talks Directory
Our Tailored Talks are a great way to keep your employees engaged and informed on important topics that can impact their personal and professional lives. We offer Talks on a number of topics within our areas of specialism. We're able to provide you with a summary of the content covered in each of our Talks, as well as list of key takeaways for attendees.
Benefits and options
Tailored talks enable us to fully customise the format, length and content to meet your budget and company objectives, from formal presentations to group Q&As, you choose.
Option to offer bundles of one-to-one sessions with our specialists to employees that would like further support with issues raised in the talk.
We can deliver talks around key awareness days to support internal HR efforts.
Let our marketing team assist with Talk promotion, ensuring you get high engagement levels, from event flyers to providing hand-outs and supporting resources to attendees following the event
Through working collaboratively with our specialist ahead of your Talk, we can meet your desired learning objectives to align with your wellbeing strategy.
Professional development
- Art of networking
- The art of prioritisation – eat your frogs
- Avoid and manage burnout
- Beating imposter syndrome
- Building resilience
- Career development for busy parents
- CBT techniques to deal with stress
- Cultivating and building networks
- Developing powerful communication skills
- Developing your leadership style
- Habits for happiness
- Having Difficult Conversations at Work
- Healthy Relationships at Work
- How to be more assertive at work
- How to develop executive presence
- How to give and receive feedback
- How to succeed in your new role
- Leading through change
- Learning to delegate
- Making flexible working work
- Managing anxiety and building confidence in the workplace
- Managing expectations at work
- Mindfulness at work
- Personal goals – setting up for success
- Procrastination
- Protect against stress at work
- Pushing through self-limiting beliefs
- Rediscovering your identity after becoming a parent
- Reframing perspectives
- Returning to work after parental leave
- Self care for employers
- Silencing your inner imposter
- Start now, get perfect later
- Transitioning into retirement
- Work life balance
- Fertility from the LGBTQ+ perspective
- Fertlity preservation after cancer diagnosis
- Assisted conception
- Childless not by choice
- Egg freezing
- Fertility at work – manager awareness
- Same-sex assisted conception
- Wellbeing during fertility treatment
Management and HR
- Being an effective leader
- Creating and maintaining a high performance team
- Effective decision making
- Effective delegation
- Managing change in the workplace
- Managing imposter syndrome and self doubt in the workplace
- Networking for impact
- Prioritisation and time management
- Project management principles – agile and waterfall
- Returning to work conversations around mental health
- Understanding fight flight freeze or fawn responses in the workplace
- Understanding your management style
- Vision, strategy and business planning
Mental health
- Self care
- Work life balance
- Habits for happiness
- Sleep hygiene – tips
- Strategies to support sleep
- Digital detox
- Managing stress and anxiety
- A healthy sense of self
- Understanding how thoughts, feelings and behaviours impact on daily life
- Understanding and dealing with grief
- CBT techniques to deal with stress
- Bereavement
- Understanding and dealing with grief
- Burn Out
- Busting stress and boosting happiness
- Connecting the mind and body – mental health and movement
- Creating positive habits that stick
- Mental Health Workshop – Navigating difficult conversations
- Mental Health Workshop: Understanding emotional intelligence
- Push your comfort zone
- Resilience
- Rethinking stress with CBT
- Suicide awareness
- Supporting young employees and new starters within your organisation
- Tame the inner critic
- Your personalised mood booster toolkit for positive mental health
- A healthy sense of self
- Addiction in the workplace
- Building self esteem and confidence
- Emotional eating
- It’s okay not to be okay
- Managing anger
- Managing low mood
- Managing physical and mental stress
- Mental health and disability
- Mental health awareness –
psychological safety during change - The impact of the pandemic on mental health
- Understanding thoughts, feeling and behaviour – impacts on daily life
- Andropause
- Cook alongs – with your choice of recipes
- Coping with IBS
- Diet and lifestyle changes to combat long covid
- Digestive health
Eat to beat stress - Fad free nutrition
- Family nutrition
- Food to fuel performance
- Good mood food
- Healthy diet on a budget
- How to nourish yourself on a plant-based diet
- Mindful eating – nourishing your body and the planet
- Stress proof your diet – nutrtional wisdom through tough times
- Supporting diabetes through your diet
- Supporting the menopause naturally with nutrition
- Understanding autoimmune health – a practical approach
- We are what we eat
- Burnout in neurodivergent adults
- Supporting parents to help their children navigate school and dyslexia
- Illuminating autism in the workplace
- Introduction to autism in children
- Neurodiversity – self care labels
- Rejection sensitivity disorder – trait of ADHD and dyslexia
- Soothing bedtime routines for neurodiverse families
- Understanding ADHD
- Understanding dyslexia at work and home
- Soothing bedtime strategies for neurodivergent families
- Adult sleep
- Sleep hygiene – tips
- Strategies to support sleep
- Brain health during the menopause
- Menopausal sleep
- Menopause – all aspects
- Menopause at work – starting the conversation
- Menopause hormone hacks
- Mood and menopause
- Stress and hormonal shifts during the menopause
- Supporting colleagues with menopause at work
- Understanding various types of menopause
- Early menopause
- Premature menopause
- Understanding HRT
- Communicate effectively in Relationships
- The impact of Domestic Abuse
- Impact the pandemic is having on relationships
- Breaking the silence – a case study in domestic abuse
- Communicate effectively in Relationships
- Domestic abuse
- Positive psychology masterclass – getting over a breakup
New parent
- Online antenatal course
- Miscarriage
- Nutrition during pregnancy
- Postnatal depression
- Postnatal nutrition
- Parental imposter syndrome
- Baby proofing / baby home safety
- Safe sleep and temperature management (children)
- Safe weaning
- (Elderly) CPR and using a defibrillator
- Prevention and treatment of cuts and burns
- Allergies in babies and children
- CPR and using a defibrillator
- Febrile seizures and temperatures in babies and children
- Heart attacks and strokes
- Preparing for baby
- Safe sleep
- Safety first – Top tips for parents of teens leaving home for the first time
- Sepsis and menningitis
- Staying safe outdoors
- Treating your children for cuts and burns
- Trips and falls
Diversity and inclusion
- Celebrating Pride month: creating inclusive events and initiatives
- Unconscious bias and microaggressions: recognising and addressing LGBTQIA discrimination
- Approaching race and racism with children
- Building open business cultures
- Creating an inclusive workplace for LGBTQIA employees
- Inclusive leaders in practice
- LGBTQIA 101: Understanding the basics
- LGBTQIA leadership and career development
- Mental health and wellbeing in the LGBTQIA community
- Navigating gender identity and expression in the workplace
- Racism and mental health
- Racism and wellbeing
- Supporting LGBTQIA colleagues: allyship and advocacy
- Tackling micro-aggressions
- Taking on allyship
- Trans inclusion in the workplace: policies and practices
- Understanding the neurodivergence and LGBTQIA intersection in the workplace
Financial wellbeing
- Financial Anxiety
- Financial resolutions
- Making your money work harder
- Set yourself up for a strong financial year
- Your jargon free introduction to saving for your children
Parenting and children
- Baby Loss
- Birth choices
- Children and friendships
- Children’s anxiety
- Connecting with your teen
- Considerations, preparation and recovery for a caesarean birth
- Co-parenting with a difficult ex partner
- Decluttering – Combat kids clutter
- Fatherhood and working dads
- How not to lose sight of yourself in the sandwich years
- How to conquer feeling overwhelmed as a step parent
- How to prioritise self care during the sandwich years
- Miscarriage
- Navigating your new identity after having children
- Nutrition during pregnancy
- Parental guilt
- Parental imposter syndrome
- Positive parenting and work life balance
- Postnatal depression
- Postnatal nutrition
- Preparing for pregnancy
- Preparing yourself for an empty nest
- Regulation and co-regulation
- Resilient parenting to get through tough times
- The science of infant sleep
- Solo parenting
- Support nurture kids through separation
- Support for dads going through seperation
- Supporting parents whose children refuse to go to school
- Supporting your child returning to school / transitioning to a new school
- Supporting your teen through exam stress
- Understanding risk taking in teens
- Understanding the teenage brain
- Understanding your tween
- Boost your child’s resilience
- Building family resilience
- Child behaviour toolkit
- Having difficult conversations with your children
- Healthy approach to tech for kids
- Keeping your children safe online
- Managing toddler tantrums
- Maternal mental health
- New mothers mental health
- Positive parenting
- Preparing yourself and your teens as they leave home
- Supporting children through bullying
- Supporting children with ASD
- Supporting your child’s mental health
- Talking PANTS – Keeping your children safe from abuse
General health and wellbeing
- Contraception
- Digital detox
- Endometriosis
- Everything you need to know about PMS
- Pelvic pain
- Period problems – includes fibroids, endometriosis
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Self care
- Strengthening your pelvic floor
- Addiction
- Brain trauma and recovery
- Living with values
“The Talk was amazing! So much chimed
with what we have been discussing in the office”
“So many great takeaways. Informative, yet interesting. I really enjoyed it and am so glad that I attended”
“A brilliant Talk – very educational and informative!”