Julia Young

Registered Fertility Nutritional Therapist

Julia is a Registered Nutritional Therapist (mBANT) and Health Coach specialising in fertility. She helps couples to optimise their chance of conceiving and prepare their bodies for a healthy pregnancy.


Hi, I’m Julia, a BANT Registered Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach specialising in fertility. I help couples struggling to conceive to realise their dream of having a family. I offer personalised nutrition and lifestyle support and believe in the importance of getting to the root cause of your fertility issues.

Having gone through fertility struggles myself, I am passionate about supporting couples and women with their fertility and hormonal issues. I’ve been there, and I know what it feels like to struggle to achieve what you really want in life. I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and suffered from amenorrhea (absent periods) for 7 years, which meant that we were unable to conceive naturally. After several rounds of fertility treatment and a miscarriage we were finally blessed with two boys, one via IUI and one via IVF. However, it was only after discovering that nutrition, lifestyle, and supplements could impact my health that to my amazement my periods

returned. This inspired me to train as a registered nutritional therapist and to go on to help others struggling to conceive. I have a special interest in supporting IVF preparation, amenorrhea, PCOS, endometriosis and secondary infertility.

One of the best things about my job is when I hear news from a client telling me they are pregnant; it shows the transformation that can happen when people make changes to their diet and lifestyle.


I help couples to get to the root cause of their fertility issues using a functional medicine approach. I use a wide range of tools to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances, recognising how these may be contributing to symptoms and health concerns and advising on ways to remedy them.

Prior to working with me I ask you to complete a food diary and health questionnaire to get an idea of your medical history, current health symptoms, and lifestyle. My role as a nutritional therapist is to identify what changes you can make to your existing nutritional intake to achieve your goals. During your consultation we work together to put a plan in place that is easy to follow and will help you to reach your desired outcome.

During a consultation I will:

  • Take a detailed case history
  • Analyse your food diary
  • Work with you to create a personalised nutrition and lifestyle action plan that suits you and your lifestyle
  • Recommend fertility supplements
  • Provide feedback on test results, and where appropriate recommend clinical tests
  • Provide useful resources, handouts, meal plans, recipes & shopping lists

I support all areas of fertility including:

  • Unexplained infertility
  • PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids or other hormonal conditions.
  • Male factor infertility.
  • Preparation for IVF, ICSI, or IUI.
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Improving egg quality and sperm health.
  • Supporting natural conception.
  • Secondary infertility.
  • Conception with donor eggs or sperm.

Clients who have worked with me have reported:

  • Improved health symptoms
  • Steady, sustainable, weight loss
  • Renewed energy
  • New motivation
  • Balanced mood
  • Root causes identified
  • Improved PMS & more regular menstrual cycles
  • Improved PCOS symptoms
  • Fertility treatment success
  • Pregnancy success
  • Healthy babies

Following a 10-year career working in the newspaper industry, I decided on a change of direction. Having always had a passionate interest in health and nutrition and finding so much conflicting information on the subject, I decided to study nutrition. I qualified as a Diet and Nutrition advisor in 2011, and then trained for 3 years as a Nutritional Therapist at the renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition. I then went on to undertake in-depth practitioner training to become a Fertility Specialist and regularly update my knowledge in this area.

I am registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CHNC) and the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT). I am also a certified health coach which allows me to give my clients motivational support to change eating and mindset habits.